Lizzie Ragg
Centre Manager
Lizzie started in the equine industry in 2010 and has a Masters in Fine Art, an MSc in Veterinary Physiotherapy, her BHS stage 4 Business Management and Care, and BHSAI, she also won a Jefress Trust Scholarship to train with Pammy Hutton. She has worked in many equine areas including yard manager at The Talland School of Equitation and in the last 8 years managed college yards, most recently she was Yard Manager at Berkshire College of Agriculture. She believes in creating a powerful learning environment that is safe and inclusive with the horse at the centre of it.

Fern Stokes
Full Time Groom
Fern works with our horses, riders and volunteers. She has her RDA Group Coach Certificate coaching both class and private lessons, and works with Frankie to train our horses and ponies. She joined us from Heathrow Special Needs Farm RDA and is also a qualified swimming coach.

Kim Brown
Kim works on the yard, having previously been a volunteer. As a teenager she spent all her spare time helping at her local stables, and in 2015 took up riding again. In 2017 she worked at Snowball Farm as a groom where she passed her BHS Stage One Ride, Care and Complete Horsemanship exam. She has also passed her BHS Ride Safe exam which took took at the Berkshire Riding School.

Lucinda Spittle

Jane Carmichael
Jane supports our staff and the Trustees with the smooth running of SBRDA, and works closely with our volunteers and riders. She is a keen equestrian and has her own horses that she enjoys competing. Jane is in the office weekday mornings.

Diane Redfern
Trustee - Group Chair, Group Organiser
Diane Redfern is our Chair and Group Organiser at South Bucks RDA. She invited the Group to the Redfern family home 50 years ago.
Through her influence, and guidance South Bucks RDA has developed to an internationally renowned centre, where disabled riders can come and develop their potential. She has been a guiding light in the National Riding for Disabled movement and is an Hon. VP of the National Charity.

Dr Hilary Jones
Trustee - Honoury Company Secretary
Hilary is our company secretary. She became a weekday volunteer on retiring as a local GP nearly 10 years ago, she has been involved with horses throughout her life and became a trustee in 2013. She still volunteers every week when not busy travelling or with her grandchildren.

Julie Thomson
Trustee - Finance - Honorary Treasurer
Julie is our Trustee for Finance / Honorary Treasurer. Julie has been involved with SBRDA for over ten years, and is a weekday volunteer. She previously worked at Berkshire College of Agriculture in equine event management and administration, leaving there in December 2016 to concentrate on her business as a book-keeper.

Theresa Drake
Trustee - Coaches, Health & Safety, Safeguarding, Training
Theresa has been involved with RDA since she was 14, volunteering with the Group since 1987, and is the parent of an RDA participant. She is a BHSAI, UKCC3 and RDAC; and is involved in the RDA South Region as Regional Coach, Showjumping Representative, and Coach Developer, Countryside Challenge Judge for the Region and National RDA. She is a Highly Specialist Speech and Language Therapist for complex needs in Buckinghamshire and has recently qualified as a HCPC registered Equine Facilitated Learning Practitioner.
For information on Safeguarding

Alan Lawrence
Trustee - Fundraising
Alan is our Trustee with responsibility for fundraising. He heads up a team of volunteers who raise funds to subsidise the running of the group. Alan became involved via his sons, who both ride. Alan supports his younger son as a side helper. Alan is also actively involved supporting the maintenance of the Group's horse box.

Emma Ford
Trustee, Communication & Volunteers
Emma is a Trustee and volunteer group coach on a Saturday, she has been volunteering at SBRDA for 30 years. She is a qualified Executive Coach working in the area of professional development. Her horse Shane lives at SBRDA and is best mates with Wilma.

Alison Tolmie
RDA Coach
Alison has been a volunteer with SBRDA since she was 14. She used her volunteering with the group as part of her DoE Gold award. She has achieved her pony club C+ and BHS stage 1 as well as being a volunteer Coach. Alison usually coaches on Sundays and is a primary school teacher.

Sharon Brockey
RDA Group Coach
Sharon is a volunteer group coach, she volunteers on a Saturday coaching two classes. She has been volunteering with the Group for over 20 years, and works for British Airways.

Sophie Christiansen CBE
Group President
Sophie started her dressage career at SBRDA aged 13. With guidance from Diane Redfern and Clive Milkins, and having the opportunity to ride some incredible horses at SBRDA, she fulfilled her dream of becoming Paralympic Champion. Not just once, but eight times, across four Paralympic Games. Riding for the Disabled and SBRDA truly changed Sophie’s life and has given her a platform to champion disability rights and help others.